It was a Rainy Couple of Days in the Maritimes

A slow moving low pressure system crossed the Maritimes Friday and brought rain heavy at times to parts of the area.
The following is a summary of weather event information received by Environment Canada.
New Brunswick
Saint John: 61
Moncton: 52
Cumberland Bay: 52
Mechanic Settlement: 50
Bouctouche: 46
Sussex: 45
Fredericton Airport: 30
Fredericton City: 24
Berwick: 42.7
Dorchester: 52.6
Grand-Digue: 59.7
Hoyt: 45.5
Jolicure: 57.2
Sackville: 49.6
Sussex Corner: 53.9
Nova Scotia
Parrsboro: 123
New Ross: 81
Greenwood: 81
Kentville: 77
Kejimkujik: 72
Nappan: 70
Upper Stewiacke: 65
Mahone Bay: 51
Gold River: 50
Cheticamp: 46
Bedford Range: 44
Halifax International Airport: 41
Osborne Head: 38
Ingonish Beach: 37
Eskasoni: 33
Collegeville: 33
Sydney Airport: 22
Yarmouth: 22
Halifax Windsor Park: 19
Scots Bay: 95.7
New Ross (Friday to Saturday only): 93
Springfield West: 85.8
Sandy Cove: 85.1
Wolfville: 84.8
Bridgetown: 72.9
Cedar Lake: 69.5
Hammonds Plains: 64.5
Middleton: 62.7
Port Maitland: 62.2
Mahone Bay: 60.2
Cape George: 59.9
Antigonish: 52.1
Rawdon Gold Mines: 53.6
Chezzetcook: 52.3
Prince Edward Island
Stanhope: 65
St. Peters: 63
Harrington: 61
Charlottetown Airport: 54
Summerside: 53
North Cape: 31
Caledonia: 73.6
Morell: 67.0
Charlottetown: 65.0
Glencoe: 64.8
Peakes: 63.0
Bedeque: 51.8
Belle River: 59.7
Bopnshaow: 53.3
New London: 57.4
Vernon Bridge: 59.7
Stratford: 57.4
Spring Valley: 54.1
Souuris: 51.0