Kyle Sooley-Brookings

May 2, 20211 min

May Temperature Outlook

May is typically when we see temperatures reach the twenties across most of Canada. May typically brings the first flowers of the season and showers are common across the country.

As we head into May this year it appears as though most areas of the country will experience colder than normal temperatures. From southern Quebec, Ontario, northern sections of the Prairies, and most of British Columbia, we can expect to see cooler temperatures.

Above normal temperatures are expected in most of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut.

Average temperatures for May

St. John's 6.4

Halifax 10.0

Montreal 18.9

Toronto 18.8

Regina 18.5

Edmonton 17.4

Vancouver 16.7

You can check out more climate information here.