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  • ahmadalijoda

Blowing winds bring windchill today

Windchill making temperatures significantly colder today in Southern Ontario.

Today's forecast

Kenora is mainly sunny with winds south 20km/h gusting to 40, windchill is -6.

Windsor is sunny, winds are west 20km/h and the daily high is 4.

Thunder Bay is cloudy with a high of 5, winds are 15km/h and the high is 3 with a windchill of -10

London has a few flurries amounting to 4cm, winds are west 30km/h gusting to 60 with a high of 4

Sudbury is sunny with winds west 20km/h gusting to 40 km/h with a high of 1 and windchill of -9 in the morning

Toronto is mainly sunny with a slight chance of showers or flurries, winds are northwest 30km/h gusting to 50 with a high of 6.

Ottawa is cloudy with winds west 30km/h gusting to 50 and a high of 2

Tonight's forecast

Windsor is partly could with a low of 1. London has a low of -2 with a windchill of -4. Goderich and Toronto are mainly cloudy at with a low of 0. Barrie and Kingston are -2 with a windchill of -4 . Ottawa is partly cloud with a low of -5 and windchill of -7 and winds are 15km/h.

Have a nice day and stay warm folks

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