Officials provide update on Newfoundland Flooding

Officials in Newfoundland provided an update this afternoon on the flooding and washout in southwestern Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Furey said this afternoon that at this time there is no concern about supply issues after the TCH washout in western Newfoundland.
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Elvis Loveless says this will not be a 48-hour fix.
The following roads are closed in southwestern Newfoundland:
North Branch to Tompkins
Tompkins to Cape Ray
5 km north of Cape Ray
Cape Ray to Port aux Basques
Vicinity of Port aux Basques
Port aux Basques to Rose Blanche
Port aux Basques to Burnt Islands
Marine Atlantic has a plan in place to move goods to the province via Argentia as opposed to Channel-Port aux Basques. Marine Atlantic may soon be able to safely sail again soon but the issue is the Trans Canada Highway washed out once the goods arrive.
The storm is not over. There is about another 100 mm of rain possible. The rain is expected to end tomorrow.
This is a developing situation.