Severe Thunderstorms Bring Heavy Rain and Hail to Manitoba #MBstorm
On Wednesday night, severe thunderstorms affected much of southern and eastern Manitoba.
There were reports of heavy rain, strong winds and large hail.
Rainfall totals:
Knob Hill Forestry: 70 mm
(south of Bissett)
Great Falls: 67 mm
Stead: 57 mm
Bissett: 41 mm
SE of Piney 39 mm
Deerwood 38 mm
Beausejour 37 mm
Lac Du Bonnet 35 mm
Sprague 34 mm
Steinbach 20 mm
Pinawa 19 mm
Winnipeg (Airport) 17 mm
Radar indicated that a heavy swath of rain, likely in excess of 100 mm, fell between Spague and Menisino in southeast Manitoba.
Largest hail reported was at Obukowin Lake (east of Bissett) where hail the size of golf balls was observed. Both Beausejour and Gimli reported wind gusts to 80 km/h.
Based on ECCC Data