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  • Writer's pictureKyle Sooley-Brookings

Wx Centre Celebrates 11 Years!

The temperature was around zero and there was some freezing rain and fog in Carbonear, NL on March 24th, 2010.

Carbonear is a town on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It has a population of about 4,800 and is about an hour away from St. John's.

At about 3:00 that day Wx Centre was live... officially... for the first time.

That was 11 years ago! That is more than a decade. A lot has changed since that first day. Not only in the world of weather but the world as a whole. The home page of the website featured a text forecast for Canada, there was a weather warnings page and a news page, that was it.

Here is a snapshot of the website on February 20th, 2013.

On Facebook, we had 4 likes to start and on Twitter, there were zero followers. Instagram had not yet existed!

So once the website was launched it was time to just send out updates and become popular... at least that was the thinking!

We had to let people know we existed!

Over the years we made several changes to get where we are today.

Wx Centre started as a dream to create a coast to coast weather service that keeps people informed while creating a profitable business. In a way, that dream is still a work in progress.

There were some hiccups along the way and some moments where it all didn't seem worth it. But we persevered and there has not been one day in the last decade where we haven't posted at least one update.

What does the future hold? We will all have to wait and see, hopefully, many years from today, we will be posting the next chapter in our story.

This business could not be possible with all of you, each and every one of you is valued and you have kept us going! I truly appreciate all the likes, comments, and shares!

Thank you!


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